Usher Ministry
“Every person is at their very best, when they are serving others in the name of Jesus. We look for way to impact the lives of children, students, or adults within the local church”
Evangelist Adeniran
Head of Children Ministry
Our Standard
The usher’s role is so important but often undervalued, undertrained, and most times under rated. The ushers are a tremendous force in setting the tone for worship and helping to prepare the people to hear and respond to the Word of God. The cheerful, engaged, and “we are here to serve you” smile of an usher is huge!
The Usher Ministry also ministers to the well-being and comfort of the church member as they enter the worship service. Ushers offer assistance and oversee the orderly gathering of GOD’S people for worship. Ushers greet, welcome and assist worshipers and guests with comfortable seating to the sanctuary
An usher is a spiritual ambassador for the church that is God’s ordained and organized body of believers. Each usher serves as a “first representative” of Jesus Christ for a worship service. Though we all love the other areas of our worship services, make no mistake, the ushers set a foundation to your being ushered into the presence of God.