Evangelism Ministry
We are called as followers of Christ to share His message of hope and love, leading others to a life-changing personal relationship with Him. Christ calls us to share His promise of eternal love in and outside the church, so that others can do the same. As Christians, we should be passionate about the glory of God. If we sincerely desire to follow Him, we should be moved with compassion to reach the lost. All believers in our church should be equipped to share their faith simply, effectively and biblically. The work of evangelism is challenging, but it can be accomplished by God through us, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Evangelist Gbadebo
Evangelism Leader
Our MIssion
This commission proclaims the gospel and salvation of Jesus Christ–both within and outside the church–so that those who are lost will be found and those who are saved will be convicted and transformed to do greater works. The Evangelism Ministry will train members of the church and individuals on how to
effectively share they faith with others. ALL of us are called and commanded to preach the Gospel to all the world (Mark 16:15). Next to loving God, this should be our ultimate obsession because there is no greater act of showing our love and concern for others than by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as the power of God for salvation to
those who believe (Romans 1:16). Our mission is to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to every person we come across in our local community, workplace, neighborhood and families by fulfilling the Great Commission of preaching the gospel and making disciples ( Matthew 28:19-20)