Serve With Gladness: Get Involved
There are so many different ways to connect and to get involved! We are called to serve God in some way according to our gifts and abilities and to absolutely available to be used to serve others. We are the church! Not our building but our beings! Becoming involved in one or more of our ministries is an excellent way to grow closer to Christ as you become His hands and feet as you embrace being part of the body of Christ. Not sure which one is right for you? Just start – Don’t wait until conditions are perfect – they likely never will be! As you become involved by making yourself available, God will be faithful to reveal to you what His plans are for your life. Whether it’s finding a small group or joining one of our active ministries, we want to share life with you!
Don’t Hesitate To Start Getting Involved With Church
Perhaps you’re still finding your way and where you feel called to serve, and that’s fine. But don’t let it take years of your life to figure out. Wherever you feel called (or gently nudged) to join, just do it, even if it’s just one evening a week. Join!
Once you take the leap and join, God will restore measures of confidence in your faith and He will make you even stronger to serve.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” —1 Peter 4:10
Serve With Gladness
Please abandon this mindset, because not only is it a sorrowing way to enter into ministry, it’s nothing we need to prove or slap on Facebook to let others know we’re serving. God knows, and that’s the beauty of it. Approach the opportunity to serve with gratitude and joy and you’ll be serving in the way God intended.
“Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!” —Psalm 100:2
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” —Colossians 3:23-24
The beauty of getting involved is that you are surrounded by Christ-focused individuals that you can do life with. There is beauty in being able to see God at work in other’s lives, and being a part of that is a special thing.
Here is a list of 19 suggestions of ways to get Involved.
- Teach a Class – Any age group that you feel comfortable in.
- Mentoring – Find a young person and invest your life into theirs.
- Discipleship Ministry teaching the basics of Christian growth to others in your church.
- After church Visitation and calls: for those who did not make it to church.
- Visit People in the Hospital – Find out who is in the hospital and would like a visit.
- Help Widows – Jump in a volunteer to help widows.
- Send Cards and Letters – A timely card can be an encouragement to someone who has had to be out of church for a while.
- Cook– Those who have lost a family member appreciate having a church family who can provide a few meals.
- Transportation– There may be a homebound person who would love to come to church if they only had a way to get there.
- Invite Others to Church– We should all be involved in sharing our faith. Invite your friends and acquaintances to attend a church service with you.
- Cleaning – Volunteer to help keep the property looking nice.
- Maintenance – When you see a need to repair something at church take the initiative and fix the problem.
- Set Up for Events – Don’t assume that you will be called “if you are needed.”
- Prayer – Prayer should not be taken lightly. Pray for the church, its leadership, and those in the church who have needs.
- Technical Ministry – Don’t sit back and criticize, Volunteer to help with the A/V ministry in the church.
- Usher– Join the Ushers Ministry.
- Choir – Seek to join the choir vocally or with an instrument.
- Children’s church – Volunteer for this needed ministry during some weeks so you do not miss too many services in adult church.
- Church Security – whatever you can do to help in this Ministry
The more involved and invested you are in your church, the more you will work to make its ministry a success in the community.